An experienced legal practitioner, attorney Marc Rovner is the director of business development and general counsel at BETA Abstract, LLC. The title insurance company provides full service title, settlement, and closing services for commercial and residential real estate deals. A native of East Rockaway in New York, attorney Marc Rovner supports several charitable organizations, including the Children’s Rights Council. Established in 1985, the Children’s Rights Council (CRC) aims to ensure that children maintain a long-lasting relationship with their parents despite marital status or challenges.
One of the issues CRC tackles is child neglect and abuse due to parents’ separation or divorce. Child abuse entails every form of maltreatment of a child by an adult. Neglect is also considered child abuse since child abuse transcends physical violence. Child neglect implies the inability to provide for a child’s basic needs like health care, housing, clothing, education, and adequate supervision, among others. Some of the ways adults can help prevent child abuse and neglect are listed below. Report any child abuse or neglect case Concerned adults should call the local police or department of children and family services when they have reasons to believe a child might come to harm or is already abused. Calmly discipline children Always discipline your children when you have calmed down rather than when you are upset. Consider rewarding good behaviors as an incentive to improve your child’s behavior. Educate children about their rights Teach your kids how special they are and how it’s their right to be safeguarded from abuse and neglect. This practice will help them easily report an offender.